How to Stop Spam Appointments and Fake Demo Bookings
Spam appointments and fake demo bookings can be an absolute nightmare to businesses and a complete waste of resources. Some of these bookings may be from rivals making tendencies to hinder the business or auto-software systems, producing leads with no purchasing inclination. There is no way of avoiding them altogether, but following some basic measures can prevent a scam.
Use Captcha Verification
One of the biggest causes of the large number of spam bookings or inquiries is using CAPTCHA verification on the booking or inquiry form. A CAPTCHA is a device that needs the person to fill out a form to prove he is a human by asking him to type in a string of jumbled letters and numbers. No one can use automation or bad bots to fill in the form. To add security, you can also have a honeypot field on the form, which CSS will conceal. While bots will attempt to fill in this field, humans are not likely to even notice it is present.
Analyze IP Addresses
Looking into the IP addresses of incoming booking requests, one can find out if any spam activity is going on. Many times, spam requests are likely to be from the same IP range. Similarly, preventing any booking request from suspicious IP number ranges can filter out many fakes. It is also possible to search for IPs to find out if their owners are hiding behind such VPN services or cloud hosting services that hide actual sources of requests.

Review Request Frequency
An abrupt and regular stream of booking requests from a single source may signify an automated spam request. Several settings might limit how many requests arrive from specific IP addresses or domains. If an organization sends over ten inquiries daily from one source, it raises eyebrows and demands closer inspection.
Use Email Verification
Businesses often require additional verification of user’s email addresses to reduce fake bookings. If an inquiry or a booking request has been made, send an automated email confirmation to the reply to the address provided. However, using an email account that can reply, contain a link or code, or any other simple function is helpful to certify its actuality. This means that most bots create fake email addresses that don’t belong to any existing inbox. If there is no verification within the set time period, then booking requests must be rejected.
Demand precise company information.
Ensure all your booking or inquiry forms need the correct company name, business address, and telephone number. Confirm that the information is genuine. Fake bookings usually will not go through the time and effort to come up with any viable company details.
Implement Recaptcha
Recaptcha is one such tool, famous for its role in human intervention and its discouragement of automated forms submission. Use Recaptcha v3 on your booking form and this will go a long way in minimizing on spam bookings. Since it will be running in the background with no friction, legitimate leads would not be affected by the process.
Review Bookings Manually
The idea of bot protection is to have a completely automated defense mechanism against bots, but none of them is entirely invulnerable. Physically scan through any new bookings request come through to look for anything or any communication that looks fishy. Activities such as copied typos, peculiar timing of booking and having inconsistent company details are signs of leads that are not genuine. Having a staff member double check request should catch more subtle spam tactics that bots are always trying to incorporate to evade automated capture.

Limit Demo Availability
Limit the number of days in advance customers can schedule product demonstrations and appointments. Although you should only open up scheduling a few weeks in advance, you must always do so on a rolling basis. Bots that bid all the time slots from the time they become active in order to reserve all the slots as early as possible and then are flagged when they never turn up or confirm. Reducing the booking period reduces the wastage occasioned by the no-shows factor while still allowing enough booking period to filter genuine interested customers.
The follow up to the realism approach of communication is honest communication.
Lastly, the best solution that may help to prevent fake bookings is the communication with every received lead. Do not just send an email or a text, make an actual phone call and communicate in other ways. For example, when one uses the site and sends requests from spam bookings, the absence or brief response of the latter proves a fake intention though the bots are becoming more sophisticated in their transactions. Actual leads on the other hand appreciate special attention given to them through the high touch sales approach you make.
To work these strategies, one cannot avoid some continual efforts; however, being protective against appointment spam is a way to save time and increase working productivity. This eliminates fakes while encouraging the real prospects who demonstrate interest in your product demos to book conveniently, efficiently by automating technological measures as well as staff awareness and active communication. The combination offers the best use of the scarcest resources in your sales team which is time.